Oct 29, 2010

lindsay dakin

lindsay dressed me up and took some photos on her beautiful hasselblad

Oct 13, 2010

nina under water

this is one of the last rolls of the expired random 100 iso /120 film lindsay gave me.
basically everything i have shot on this film [with my holga] comes out surreal and beautiful and so lovely to look at.
nina is so lovely, and
you can kind of see the beluga, and
this was the best day.

< extralarge/>

s ha wn a --m ov es

Oct 11, 2010

Oct 9, 2010

my boys /& smoke signals in the courier

aaron & cholo in the courier talking about our publishing company Smoke Signals l o o k a t o u r s i t e
a link to the courier a r t i c l e

Oct 4, 2010

g l a s s b o t t o m

++ chicken bodies

 today the feet and the body came out of the salt box and are drying over night,
tomorrow i will hairspray them and then finally cover them in a plastic resin. soon they will be done and i will display them in jars, and
they will be part of my science collection

Oct 3, 2010

t r a n s s u b s t a n t i v e

i have been obsessed with this project http://www.transsubstantive.com
im not finished, and it is super rough
but im pretty pleased so far, also
listen to cowards

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