Feb 11, 2010


last night i went to a clothing swap. yep, this story actually begins at last nights girly event du jour. it was at lynne stones place [that probably why i inserted the french] and we were all there. all the people i have come to know and become friends with. so you see they type of sentiment it is obviously evoking. later my sister tells me i scowled every time one of my friends talked, doted on another but generally appeared to have a good time. i thought it was a strange thing to say, and maybe i am harping on that, but last night got me thinking about the 90's.

here is the terrifying thing, [that i have come to love] i can actually, fairly accurately, remember the 90's. i was a teenager. i remember 'fight club' and 'american beauty' and the summer of 'MI2'. i remember dressing up in platform shoes and going to take pictures with my best friend sarah parker, cross processing the film and then blowing out the highlights to make the images all saturation and moody colors. that's what the 90's were. we were all in satirical love with our emotions [mostly sadness] and we never stopped listening to our industrial drone music and noise from germany [einsturzende neubauten]. the first time i saw bjork i was 18 and i cried through the whole thing just so everyone knew how 'moved' i was by her icelandic choir. what a joke.

it was actually the best time. i ran away to the city the next year as the 2000's began and then that whole 'situation' began. the toronto years. but, right now i see all of those things with new idealistic eyes. i will always be interested in self discovery and lose fitting floral blouses and the 90's will always be part of who i am for the simple fact that those were the years i came of age. [high school] but last night, i got this strange glimpse into my future. i saw people all around me, i saw the best of possible scenario's and then for no reason at all i saw the cross processed green sky/yellow horizon summer romp of two girls in photography school circa 1998. i was floating in a world of bob k. hundert and jason lutz and rory gordon, and then i had to go. but it was fun. 1990's you have come back to me, lets be pals.

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