May 24, 2010


the first person i ever idolized was obi wan kenobi
he seemed to have all the answers, traveled alone and played really cool mind games.
i wanted to be him

my heightened enlightenment and adult like study sent me this guy :::::::::::::

sandro botticelli
who made this,
a painting i tried to replicate when i was 15 and then when i was 19 and then again at 21.

i then met this man <3 <3 ))

he was dark and kind of tragic and completely emotionally unavailable. i was in love
but young love never lasts

later that same year :::::::::::::::::
we started going steady immediately, he was so dreamy and dark

he hung out with cool chicks like this

 she sang with the boys about love,
and wore really cool clothes and lived in new york

then we met this girl  ::::::::::
and i started to like theses people and i thought i was a real bad ass

then i went some where else cause i was really into

only one man could rescue me.

michael is my hero

loving michael felt so right,
he was all about feelings ////// wish trees
and saving the world
and he was so sad and had taped up fingers and a big heart i could love forever
peter pan
we will never grow up together

but something bad happened to him

he was not the same guy,
and this bitch is beautiful and crazy

i showed all of my friends my new lady
she was the best

and sometimes she was super hot
and i liked her tantrums
angry make up sex ::::::::::::::: britney,
my eye is wandering
kanye swooped me off my unsuspecting feet 2008
on the grass
in the rain
we became one

i love a cocky dick [[[phalis my symbol
and scream into the microphone

he shoots lasers into my heart,
but i want it like that :::::::::::::::::::::::

so i got it like that

 no one is grosser then ili wayne
my friends never really approved but he was such a bad boy
so dreamy
we didnt have to go steady
our relationship was sick
she has pretty eyes

and a super cool boyfriend
we made sweet revenge sounds together

i worshiped her hips of truth
and danced like i had rythum

but sometimes you have to get serious,
dear superstar lovers thanks for all the cheap thrills but this lady is ready to settle down :::::::::::::::::::: its was never you
its me
i guess next time i am gonna be a bit more serious

can i have one of these

this one.


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