Jun 5, 2012

BRUTES /shudder gallery

shudder gallery - june 2012
a group show
An exhibition of work dealing with the subtle introspective violence concerning mortality. Often amongst some sense of harshness, roughness, and impressions of instability; tied together by an obsession with death and the deterioration of the human body.
thursday june 7th
Christian Pelech works with the intersections between art, science and religion, in responses to man's introspective fear of mortality and the betrayal of the body. Utilizing the medium of drawing for its alchemical ability to conjure and manipulate death, his work functions as a means to question ones own fears and anxieties.
Derek Coulombe works with the aesthetics of ritual and perversion, utilizing the human form as a symbol. The drawings become a choreography of decay, as the anatomy of their subjects grows continually demented through repetition, forming an absurdist narrative.
Lida Pawliuk feels the importance of other's experiences anterior to our own, and how certain things persist. The poet H.D. wrote in 1927: "perception, perceiving, having perceived, being perceived." Her perception was ahead of her definition. Drawing is the effort to receive some brief sense of slight clarity. Her perception was ahead of her definition."
Sidney Masuga's miniature works represent a rendering of human perception within the expanse of space. These microcosms are both a way to represent and come to terms with the chaos of being. In modeling the figure within the breadth of space she makes a diagram of the balance between the poles of human emotion, marrying being and nothingness.


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