Dec 30, 2013

Behind the wall xx Infront of the wall

Curatorial residency with Anezka Minarikova
Unit /Pitt
July - August 2014

Restricting an individuals movements and thoughts creates an atmosphere of desire; desire to discover the truth about the world from your own perspective.

With the fall of communism and the end of the cold war two distinct cultures clashed as information flowed across the once closed off borders. Twenty years later the ideas and imposed lifestyle of this revolution still influence our modern idea of self. At the same time fundamental religion and isolated communities existed within the borders of a free country. With the freedom to choose some families feel the desire to be separate from the main stream community and opted to live a self imposed restricted life. Exploring themes of restriction and development our exhibition is presented as a collection of memorabilia, original art works and a fine art publication.

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